![]() For the chance to ‘WIN’ a signed copy of my latest book ‘Retreat to the Lakeside Cottage’ visit the page tab labelled ‘Newsletter, Giveaway, Enquiries’ – complete the form to sign up for my forthcoming newsletter. Simple. All previous email entrants are automatically included in every prize draw. One email winner will be selected at random at 6pm on Saturday, 31st August 2024. No equivalent prize will be awarded. The winner will be notified by email within the hour. UK only – a postal address will be requested via the winning email straight after the draw. Book signing, parcel and posting will occur once a UK address has been received. I promise your email address will not be used for any other purpose than prize draw ‘giveaways’ and delivery of my newsletter. Good luck! WINNER SELECTED: at 6pm on Saturday, 31st August 2024. Email address m*****.s**@btinternet has been notified of the signed book awarded. Congratulations, I hope you are thrilled and will reply a.s.a.p. The winning email was selected from all followers who have signed up to receive my forth coming newsletter. All email address will be included in each signed book giveaway selected in this manner. Please see the page tabs at the top to be added to the newsletter listing.
![]() In recent times, I’ve returned to attending local writing groups as a means of mixing and mingling with local writers, in order to connect and boost my creativity. My various writing groups meet once or twice a month, others on a weekly basis, in-person or on-line, enabling me to get a boost or a top-up regarding inspiration. Most groups organise a calendar of in-house events and competitions encouraging members to participate in order to improve or experiment with their skill set: poetry, memoir, short stories, non-fiction and novel writing. Last night, I won the ‘Annual short story’ competition at my local group in Warwickshire. This is the writing group that I returned to after a lengthy absence – if you’ve attended my ‘author talk’ and know my publication story. I’m chuffed to bits as previously I’d a good track record for being placed 2nd or 3rd in the various in-house competitions. I received the giant shield, which dates back to 1971, which displays many names that I recognise from my original membership days. I promise to look after the winner’s shield over the coming year and yes, it did witness my celebration with a few bubbles - as is my tradition! I’d recommend that every writer joins or has an association with their local group or groups as you’ll find a wealth of experience, knowledge and support amidst like-minded people. Yesterday, was publication day for my 13th book – I can quite believe I’ve written that much! I always plan ahead as I like to make memories on such event days so set off on an author jolly to Hill Top, Near Sawrey - the writerly home of Beatrix Potter. It was a revisit for me, but it was the only place I wanted to spend my special day.
Beatrix Potter married William Heelis, the local solicitor based in Hawkshead, so how could I not include her residence at Hill Top when my plotline is about a writers’ retreat? I even took my own little book with me so I could introduce her to the Peter Rabbit books. As always, I wasn't disappointed - the Hill Top room guides always provide so much information and everyone is super friendly. I've included Beatrix's doll house which gets a mention in my latest book. One beautiful moment happened while I was photographing my book against the main National Trust sign by the entrance. A lady and her family passed me and she remarked ‘I’ve read all her Lakeside books – which one is that?’ I replied ‘This one came out today.’ She then stopped to note the title and told me ‘the series are set around here’. I smiled, before stammering ‘That’s m-me. I’m Erin Green. I’m here at Hill Top because today’s my publication day.’ I can honestly say her reaction made my day! Wow, now that has never happened before! My other jaunt was to the village of Hawkshead, where my Lakeside books are set. I enjoyed a stroll along the main street and stopped off at my favourite little café, Ginny’s Teapot. If you’re reading my series you’ll notice that Beatrix’s Teapot shares many similarities with the real café. I highly recommend dropping by as the décor is quaint and beautiful, the cream scones gorgeous and the service is top-notch! As I drove towards home down the M6, a herd of Friesian cows plodded crossed the motorway bridge overhead - I was literally in Cumbria until the cows came home! And that, made me a very happy gal! ![]() My next author talk and Q&A is booked for Waterstones Nuneaton on Thursday, 22nd August from 6:30pm. I'll be talking about my publication journey, inspirations and all things creative! I'll happily sign you paperback book - so bring them along too! Whether you are an avid reader of mine, an aspiring author or have never read a single one of my 13 books - come and join me, as we always have a giggle at these events! To reserve your place, please call the store on 0247 638 8633 I like to be transparent with my reviews so here are the first six available from book bloggers and reviewers on Net Galley. There are no others at the moment (12th August 2024).
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Five star reviews 1. Lovely and entertaining and also a story about writing books, perfect. This was such a lovely story. The characters were all so different and each chapter dealt with a different character. A great summer read. My thanks to netgalley and the publishers for giving me the opportunity to read this book in return for an honest review. 2. I loved this book. I felt like the characters were my friends by the end and I missed them when I finished it! I love it when you learn about something new while reading a novel, and I learned a huge amount about writers, their writing methods, publishing and agents. It was fascinating. This series set in a holiday cottage is inspired, and I hope there are more books to come. 3. Rula organises a retreat for writers at Lakeside Cottage in the Lake District. Peace and quiet, lovely surroundings, a break from everyday life, nice food - the perfect conditions to get lots of writing done, what could possibly go wrong? What a lovely book, I really enjoyed it! Loved the characters and their background stories, along with their interactions during the retreat. I also loved how the presence of a new writer at the retreat gave the experienced ones an opportunity to give really useful insights into writing, writers, agents, publishing and a whole host of other information. A really good story, very VERY highly recommended. 4. I struggled with this but only in the way it was told in chapters by different people. But it is a good story and deserves its 5 stars . Some great twists I did not see coming. You follow 5 writers / not writers at a writers retreat in the Lake District . It is a intresting read. Makes you think about authors in a different light even though Erin Green says it is made up**. Read it . A good summer read . Nice ending* *the punctuation gaps and spelling error is in the review – so I left it. ** the details about our industry are true but the dramatic plot events occurring in my book are made up (I can't write about my fellow authors). ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Four star review 5. This book tells the stories of five women who attend a writers retreat at the beautiful Lakeside Cottage. We start with Brontë, a would-be writer who is gifted the retreat by her boyfriend, but feels way out of depth alongside the other published authors. As each woman's story gradually unfolds we see that none of them have the perfect life. This is different to the Erin Green books I've read before. Slower and more wordy, but a very good read. 6. Erin Green's latest book returns to Lakeside Cottage but can be read independently. A group of writers are booked in to the cottage for a week of writing. The group are a mix of of writers some established, some self published and one brand new writer.. A funny enjoyable book with well drawn characters some likeable some not. It gives an insight into the struggles that authors can face trying to find inspiration, develop a plot or believable characters. Writing is hard work! Erin Green writes readable fun stories which are engaging and well written. 9/8/2024 0 Comments My Teddy - such dedication!![]() During my author talks, people ask about my book dedications - there have been a variety over the years. Though book number 13 is unique. (Whilst taking the photo the sun shone through the crystal, which hangs at my writing room window - hence the rainbow!) This miniature poodle has been my constant companion while I have written over one million published words, plus many thousand yet to be published! He never complains, moans or grizzles at me for the hours we spend in my writing room. He never says it’s too late, too early or yet another weekend! There’s not an hour on the clock that we haven’t written together, in silence, in that tiny room. He simply settles in his basket to snooze or watches me type, scribble or read aloud (despite him being deaf now). When he was younger he’d smuggle a tennis ball upstairs but those days are long gone. Now I have to carry him up and down the staircase, about eight times a day, due to his aging joints. Though throw a tennis ball in the garden and you’d think I was imagining his stiffened joints and days of clunky hobbling. Many authors have chosen animals as their companions: Beatrix Potter had a menagerie of rabbits, mice, toads and a hedgehog. Steinbeck had a standard poodle called Charley. George Orwell a goat called Muriel (who was included in Animal Farm) and Hemmingway had various cats. It’s their comforting presence alongside loyalty, devotion and sheer dedication which we all need in life, but more so as an author as the silence lingers and the hours and years slip by. Photos: Now and then - the same two Teddys, both are ageing though one has had extensive needlework repairs! 8/8/2024 0 Comments The book fairy![]() One of my authorly delights prior to publication day is receiving my paperback copies. Since being published in 2017, I’ve donated half my paperback copies to local libraries so users have the chance to read a brand-new release, rather than rely on dwindling library budgets! This enables any library user within a county the chance to request and reserve my book, for a small fee, and the libraries' internal mail system transports it across the county to meet your request. It works like magic! Today, I’ve delivered to Warwickshire. Tomorrow, I’ll be delivering books to the neighbouring areas of Staffordshire and Birmingham. My second delight is surprising people who support me on social media. Now this might seem hard to believe but there is a small army of readers who every day, and I do mean every day, repost and share my book posts on social media without ever being asked. I have never met any of them and yet their delight in reading my books has resulted in them wanting to spread the word. Complete strangers - isn’t that lovely! I didn’t think such things would ever happen to me! Anyway, I notice. I notice who and when. You’ve probably realised by now that I’m a planner, a lists person, a jotter-type of person. When I notice a social media person continually supporting me - I make a note of their name. Over the months between book publications, I’ll message them thanking them for their support and asking for a postal address. Today, I have signed, sealed and delivered five paperbacks to Royal Mail for delivery in the coming days. I do hope they’ll be surprised and delighted. Finger crossed, the books might even arrive before publication day – which always feels special for bookworms. ![]() Seven years ago today, my dream came true when my debut book was published. 1st August 2017 will always be one of the dream days of my life. If you’ve attended any of my library or festival talks you’ll have heard me outline my journey from 1st July 1994 towards publication in 2017. I won’t pretend it was easy, it wasn’t – it was a long hard slog. I hope I never forget how upset and dejected I felt when the rejections arrived, how hard I tried to make it happen and the sheer delight when anything positive occurred – I clung to those moments! Eventually, I realised that ‘rejections are simply proof that I tried!’ - I wish I’d celebrated receiving each and every rejection but I didn’t, not in the early years. Since August 2017, I’ve had one million words published, my thirteenth book is published on 15th August and book fourteen will follow in November! Tonight, I’ll raise a glass of bubbles and enjoy - knowing I’ve another fourteen stories jotted in my ideas book! Cheers! Link: Amazon https://www.amazon.co.uk/stores/Erin-Green/author/B01N0U4KGV?ref=ap_rdr&isDramIntegrated=true&shoppingPortalEnabled=true 1/8/2024 0 Comments July NaNoWriMo 2024I’ve been a little quiet about my NaNoWriMo participation this summer season, compared to previous years, as rogue and sad stuff happened within the global organisation - which has tainted its reputation with many authors. Thankfully, stringent measures have been implemented to avoid such sad occurrences in the future.
Yesterday saw the end of the month-long challenge and as my charts show I reached my 50,000 words goal! This time I was happy to write what was necessary and enjoyed completing other creative projects alongside, hence the near-exact word count. My project, currently named TSLC, is brand-new and one which I’ve had fun writing in recent weeks between structural edits for my upcoming Christmas book. My plan for August is to continue as if a challenge were on-going as I’d like a completed first draft by the end of the month. Why? Hee hee! Because I have another idea that is tugging at my attention and I want to start September 2024 with a brand-new story! |
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