31/3/2021 0 Comments Camp NaNo - April![]() I need a month of writing alongside others so, there's no better excuse to join Camp NaNo for the month of April. Slightly different to the November NaNo as you set your own goal be it writing or editing. I've set a writing goal of 50,000 words (1667 words a day). It means I'll be juggling two projects, but that seem to work for me. I'll write one and edit the recent 'secret' project. This is where having ideas and jotting down plans comes into fruition as the new NaNo project is an old idea which has been patiently waiting its turn. So here goes!
30/3/2021 0 Comments Bye bye March![]() I didn’t quite meet my February target, so have made doubly sure I met this one! The piccy says it all. My ‘secret’ project, which I started at New year, has reached book length and the end of my post-it note planning. The next stage is structural edits in which I make sure the scenes are in the right order and shuffle accordingly. Finger crossed, there aren’t too many surprises which need attention as one moved scene tends to affect another. Once I’m happy with the scene order, I’ll get a printed copy and begin true editing – literally slashing through sections with a red pen. Great fun, but painful for an author. I’ll be sorry to see March go. I’ve enjoyed my little self with structural edits for my Christmas book, writing my 'secret' book and revealing new book covers. ![]() Tadah! I'm thrilled to reveal my next beautiful book cover for FROM SHETLAND, WITH LOVE published on 27th May 2021. Preorder available: please press When Jemima loses her beloved grandfather, keeping his allotment alive seems like ideal way to feel close to him. She's never fitted in before - is this her chance to find where she really belongs? Finally Melissa has the allotment she's been longing for to distract her while her husband works away - even if it is chest-high in weeds. But when she looks for help in the wrong place, she finds she's the hottest topic of gossip. For Dottie, her allotment and part-time job of 'a little light dusting' at Lerwick Manor keeps a spring in her eighty-year-old step - and her ears open for secrets. At midday today, my latest book cover will be revealed. It is always an exciting moment in the journey from manuscript to published book. I saw the finished design a week ago and was delighted with the artist's vision and talent. Personally, I don't think the creative team get as much acknowledgement from authors as they should, so I hope 'my team' know I am very grateful.
Does it depict the story line? Yep, it certainly does. That might sound strange, but haven't you ever read a book and on completion mused why the chosen cover was used? I have many times; it's become a pet hate of mine. Anyway, I'll nip back after midday to post the image so my blog followers can have a butchers too. 11/3/2021 0 Comments March: a change of planThe structural edits for my Christmas book have landed on my desk. I have a deadline for completion of 5th April so, my original plan for March needs to change. Simple. My main focus for the month will be in tailoring my Christmas book forcing my 'new book' to take a back seat. I shall still work on it each day, but whether I hit my target we'll have to wait and see.
If you're following my routine as an unpublished author these are the challenges you face on a weekly basis. Your focus switches constantly between projects. Which has its advantages and disadvantages. I love that I get to 'juggle' projects and take breaks between stages of writing. I like being consumed by one set of characters and then having a break from them only for them to land in my lap again in a few weeks time. Sometimes, that distance allows me to spot traits or connections which I hadn't seen in my original writing. I don't mind switching focus, though at times you can be excited by a project which you need to step back from in order to meet another deadline. If you don't like deadlines then this job isn't going to be easy for you. I constantly have a postcard above my desk with a 'deadline date' reminder staring at me! My down-time continues to be filled with reading, drawing and knitting. I've added photographs to a previous blog post showing the art I've created. We're approximately halfway through Lent so I'll have produced many more pieces by Easter. My knitting continues whilst I watch TV. I've reverted back to the 'special care unit' who use traffic light colours for their prem babies so mint green is the colour. I've finished rereading Tennessee Williams' play 'A Streetcar Named Desire' - it was weird how much more I saw in this reading compared to a previous time. Though 'Book Club' discussions sometimes create a new insight. I've made a start on 'Fathers and Sons' and so far, it's an easier read than previous Russian novels - fingers crossed, it continues to please. 1/3/2021 0 Comments Creatives createI mentioned in a previous post that I was drawing each day to improve my skills during Lent; we've all 'given up' enough this year. I usually opt for graphite pencils and sometimes incorporate watercolour for a splash of colour - I've leant by watching numerous talented artists on YouTube. I've included a couple of acrylic paintings and I might give charcoal another try in the coming weeks. Sketching supports my writing as it offers me down time in a creative yet, constructive manner. Partway through most sketches, I'll need to make notes of a writing idea or details which have sprung to mind. I tend to sketch more whilst planning a novel than writing one but for now, I've drawn every day since Ash Wednesday. There's many more weeks to go until Easter, so who knows what will have developed by then. I've purchased a painting-by-numbers canvas of my favourite bird - there's no way it'll be finished by Easter but I've included a photo. I'll update over the coming months until it's complete. |
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