3/11/2019 0 Comments NaNoWriMo - day by day![]() Day 29: I reached 50,577 words on 24th November but decided to continue. Today, I've reached 56,659 words written for NaNoWriMo19 so, I'm calling it a day. I need to focus on my editing project this weekend. This year's Nano hasn't been easy. It hasn't felt like the annual experience I sign up for due to their messed up website resulting in a lack of contact with fellow participants but I achieved the goal and have first half a draft 1 written. I have a full weekend of editing and finger crossed, I'll be sending a completed book to my agent for Monday morning. Day 24: Goal! 50,577 words written. Day 21: An early writing session for me as I am off to party in London for the evening. Though, I'll take my editing along for the train journey. It's Day 21 and I'm nearly at my goal (46,282/50,000) I am sure that by the weekend I will be celebrating with bubbles! Whether I continue to the 30th November depends on how well my editing goes. I would love to complete both tasks by the end of the month and send my agent a completed novel about St Ives... let's wait and see. Anyway, I need to love an leave you; I have a train to catch x ![]() DAY 20: I spent the morning editing and was fairly chuffed with my efforts given that the kitten wouldn't settle beside me, as he has on previous days. My lunch break was spent sketching a kingfisher which I've been meaning to attempt for weeks but other things have taken priority. Again, I'm pleased with the initial sketch maybe Friday, I'll work on the main body. I'll spend the afternoon writing as much as possible towards my NaNo goal because tomorrow will be dominated by the RNA Winter Party. Oops, look what happened - a body appeared when I should have been writing. No worries, I'm on it ... off to write words, I promise. Day 19: I've plodded along as I promised I would. Though, I've returned to editing a previous book as a means of distracting myself from NaNo 2019. I didn't intend to have two projects on the go this month but given my current dispondency I thought I might as well. So, from yesterday onwards, I will write my basic words and edit my previous St Ives book until 30th. (42,145/50,000) Day 17: Well, my blog says it all really ... I don't feel like it is NaNoWriMo month. I feel as if it is like every other month of the year where I sit alone and write. I have never experienced this during NaNo in nine years. The usual Nano-me is buzzing, lively and connecting with my buddies online and motivating others. This year ... I'm writing in isolation and silence. I've never realised just how important the website is in motivating me for the 30 days. No web site = no fun :-( For you non-writers it would be like following the World Cup without fellow supporter to discuss each match with. Or watching Bake-Off without a running commentary by Twitter followers. Ah well, I'll keep plodding until 30th! My project is progressing well, I've fallen in love with my latest character but it could be March, June or August outside of my window. It is going to feel like a long year until next year but I hope NaNo 2020 sees a revival of the usual NaNoWriMo. (36,840/50,000) Day 10: Apologies for the lack of posting but I have the best excuse, kitten fever. Seriously, I can't stop loving my little precious. So, you'll just have to put up with me being distracted, sorry. NaNoWriMo is going well, though the website is a total let-down this year. Every other year, I've been able to connect with my writing buddy, chat, message and encourage the first-timers - not this year. I don't think I'd have coped if this were my first year; they are alone without support due to technical issues. Anyway, my project which I've called Day By Day is going well. I've found myself lost in the writing zone on several days and the plot has simply written itself. I'm hoping to have half of draft 1 complete by 30th November, then plan to write the other half a.s.a.p. during December and probably into January. Who knows. I can only plan and control certain aspects of my writing life. The ultimate deadline would be 31st January 2020. (21,791/50,000) Day 8: I've been slightly distracted today. My new cat, Moses arrived in the house so, forgive me for such a brief update. But, look at that little face! (17,658/50,000) Day 7: I was tempted to return to the local library today for a writing session but, I didn't manage to get there. I am hosting a NaNoWriMo Write-In session in another local library on Saturday so, maybe it was right for me to stay at home today. The NaNo website is still driving me slightly crazy as it isn't functioning as it should. I only hope it isn't putting first-timers off continuing as I don't think they have the 'buddy' support they would receive in precious years. (15,655/50,000) Day 6: A great writing session, today. I went to my local library and worked for a couple of hours in the silent study area. I wrote so much in such a short space of time it was quite amazing. Plus, the staff made me a hot cuppa! What more can I ask for? (13,481/50,000) Day 5: Today, the words simply flowed. There is nothing as good as a writing day when this happens. It probably helped that the weather seems pretty awful 'weather for ducks and authors' as I call it but hey, it forces you to stay at home, drink tea and write. The new website for NaNoWriMo is still playing up so, I have no idea what progress my 'buddies' have made in the last five days. I'm hoping that nobody has fallen by the wayside and has given up due to the technical issues keeping us apart. (11,068/50,000) Day 4: OK, so I've finally got over my NaNoWriMo graph issue - just. Today, was split between a research day and a writing day which was necessary but it broke with my routine. My unusual task of the day was phoning the local coroner's office to ask a question about a fictional death. Full marks to them for getting on-board with a writing idea and explaining my options. Seriously, I love it when non-writing folk can humour us creatives enabling our work to continue. (8,325/50,000) Day 3: Urgh! I've woken this morning to find that NaNo's new website has malfunctions and added my word count from yesterday into today's date. What the hell! I hadn't written any words for today. For those doing NaNo you will now realise that my output graph has a gap for yesterday, which I can't alter or do anything about. In short, this nerdy girl has a blank space on her 2nd November date when she showed up, wrote and inputted her daily word count. There are times I hate technology! As an NaNoWriMo addict - I'm not impressed. My NaNo addiction requires that I have a perfect graph which shows my participation for all 30 days. I now have to complete the month with a 'blot' on my beautiful graph. I'm not sure I can cope with that! (6,315/50,000) Day 2: A busy day for me but I still managed to write my NaNo words in my favourite Birmingham coffee shop. Apart from one other customer I had the place to myself! (4,219/50,000) Day 1: As always, I stayed up to begin NaNoWriMo at midnight. I managed to write my first thousand words before sleep took over. This morning, I've settled down to another writing session to complete my daily word count. I love the fact that so many writers around the globe are connected by one annual event. There are occasions when the act of writing can feel fairly insular but never during November. (2,178/50,000)
January 2025
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