28/5/2021 0 Comments Publication day!Yesterday, was like a dream come true! I spent the entire day receiving messages of congratulations regarding my latest book. I saw competition entries for 'giveaways' sky rocket surprising all involved and I returned to 'aunt Jane's house'. I escaped my house, the first time since August, and drove to Chawton to mooch about Jane Austen's house and visit neighbouring Chawton House. It might sound narcissistic, but I listened to the audiobook of 'FROM SHETLAND, WITH LOVE' on the journey. It is surreal listening to actors speak your words. I marvelled at their talent - how they do all the accents, I'll never know! All in all, I had a fabulous day.
24/5/2021 0 Comments Three more sleeps!I have three more sleeps until publications day and I can't wait! Seriously, I haven't been this excited about a book being launched for a little while. It might be the lockdown situation of recent months, the time of year or even, that it's been 16 months since my last publication. Whatever the reason, I am thrilled to be in this position knowing that I get to share my latest book with my readers in a matter of days. So what have I been up in the meantime? I've been busy, that's what! On Friday, I delivered numerous books to libraries in my local area. I like to know they have copies prior to publication day which allows library users to enjoy the book on the same day as other readers. It might seem unimportant to most, but the sheer delight of the librarians knowing they can offer a brand-new book on the actual day is a joy to see - they love it! I posted several copies to Shetland's library, which is only right given that I've written about their beautiful islands. They don't know it but they are briefly included in book 2. Whilst writing this book, I had to request permission from a kindly gent asking if I could include and mention in my story a specific tartan which he had designed called the 'Spirit of Shetland'. Thankfully, he was very generous allowing me to include the details so, I've posted him a 'thank you' book too. The most exciting surprise I've arranged will happen on Thursday. In fact, I keep giggling each time I think about it. I'm not going to share the details yet, but if you follow me on Twitter @ErinGreenAuthor you'll be one of the first to know. Having organised and arranged numerous parcels, I did the only thing available to me; I sat and reread the entire book. It took two days but I loved every moment of it - slightly bias, I know. I might have written it, know the story inside and out, but it still made my laugh and cry! 17/5/2021 0 Comments Surprise!I'm sure my followers didn't expect this, but tadah!!! Here is my latest cover reveal for FROM SHETLAND, WITH LOVE AT CHRISTMAS. Isn't she beautiful? I love how the ice blue hues complements the beautiful rich colour on the cover of FROM SHETLAND, WITH LOVE. And look ... there are nosy little seals popping up to view my three beautiful ladies: Verity, Isla and Nessie. This is book two in my Shetland series which shares the stunning location of Lerwick Manor introduced in book 1. This is the book that made my cry on Sunday when I proofread my manuscript. I can't wait for my readers to dive in this series and meet a fabulous cast of charming ladies. PreOrder available: Amazon 15/5/2021 0 Comments Update for May - part IIMy plans for May involved my copy edits deadline which was a two week window. My copy edits worked out fairly well, all was kind and gentle, so I completed the task ahead of the game on the 12th. It was necessary to switch a couple of sections and confirm dates so the easiest thing to do is reread the manuscript ensuring everything is as it should be. Now, proofreading doesn't usually happen at this stage, but I thought why not? I've spent the last two days proofreading which confirms that the amendments made are correct and in the long run will ease the final process. It means I've read from a 'dirty' copy as I call it with track mark comments attached but I've managed. I'm current 57% of the way through and hope to complete on Sunday. When proofreading, I read the book aloud so my voice is hoarse and the dog thinks I've lost the plot!
One lovely addition having proofread this copy - I've fallen in love with my Christmas story, again. Which always happens to me at this stage. You can spend so long looking for errors, negative aspects and flaws of the story that when you finally read the complete work after many weeks, you surprise yourself. Update: My manuscript was sent back to my editor by Sunday afternoon, so I am one happy bunny. Even more so, given that whilst reading, I made myself cry, twice! 12/5/2021 0 Comments Reviews are coming in ...Prior to a book being published it is offered out as an ebook digital known as an 'arc' to respected bloggers and professional reviewers. The publishers organise this task through a trusted company called NetGalley, who vet their blogger/reviewers based on reliability and completing their given task - it isn't based on the star ratings they award previous books. The author and publishers want a true picture in response to potential readers, so it is essential that bloggers read and return true reports. Here are my reviews coming in from NetGalley. 10/5/2021 0 Comments Writing retreat!!!!!!!!OMG! I'm soooooooooooo excited. I'm going on a writing retreat next month with other authors. Brilliant authors who I deeply admire and love in a fan-girl author-way and who surround me with lots of swirling creative energy. Plus, it is away from my house! I have been at home since 16th March 2020 for 22 hours a day.
I thought I'd share because those that know me can probably imagine my 'actual' reaction to such news! Question is which book project do I focus on and finish? Mmmmmm, decisions decisions. I'm thrilled to share the news that my third novel 'The Magic of Christmas Tree Farm' is available to preorder in its German translation. The new edition will be published in ebook on 17th September 2021 by Dumont and is available from Amazon.co.uk. It seems quite surreal seeing a beautiful new cover and knowing that my Christmas story will be enjoyed in language which shamefully, I can't speak. It's midnight and I can't sleep. I've had a great day working on my 'copy edits', but try as I might my brain isn't quietening down despite my best efforts. So, let's have a bit of fun!
In my latest book, FROM SHETLAND, WITH LOVE - Jemima Button announces on page one that she comes from a family of liars! Below are 15 statements about me: 10 are true but 5 are pure lies ... which is which, true or false? 1. My car was struck by lightning whilst I was driving. 2. My Nan used to live in Dr Crippen's house. 3. I used to own a duck called 'Crispy'. 4. I am a twin. 5. I have a fear of snakes. 6. I used to work for AstraZeneca. 7. I've performed on stage at the Royal Albert Hall, London. 8. My father made candles for a living. 9. I attended a Prince concert. 10. I attended mass before Pope Benedict XVI in St. Peter's Square, Vatican city. 11. I'm allergic to lemons. 12. My mother was a dressmaker. 13. I've broken three of my four limbs. 14. I was rescued from a roller coaster at Alton Towers. 15. I was born on April Fool's day. Answers: can be found by scrolling down past the 'Update for May' blog post. I've been truthful, honest x 6/5/2021 0 Comments Update for MaySo sorry, I forgot to update my followers on my progress and goals for April. You'll see why in a second! Anyway, I entered into the spirit of CampNaNo by writing 51,548 brand new sparkly words plus, edited my secret book project of 97,500 words. A rather enjoyable month, I have to say! So what's in store this month, I hear you ask? Well, my copy edits have arrived back for my Christmas book. This stage is where a copy editor has read through each word and questions the use of each phrase. Seriously, they do. I then have to go through each of their queries questioning myself on what I meant at the time of writing. I have until the 14th May to complete this task. Then comes my second favourite task: proofreading. When I receive a formatted copy of the book and away I go reading and noting any remaining errors. I love this bit as I usually 'fall back in love' with my story. From the 15th May, I'll return to my other projects adding more polish and scenes to each. I have numerous author talks booked for the coming weeks (see 'home' page for details). Due to the current situation the library talks are via Zoom and Teams but that simply makes it more fun as we can invite an audience from across the globe, if they wish to join us! The radio session with Kim Smith and Christie Barlow will be an absolute hoot given that neither one can stop laughing when the tunes are playing. But the big event for this month, the one I'm gearing up for is ... publication day on 27th May! I can't wait. It has been fifteen months since my last publication day back in January 2020 when that other world existed. I went out and everything to celebrate. I have no idea what I'll do this time but I can guarantee there'll be bubbles, and plenty of them! The first book reviewers and bloggers have been invited to read 'FROM SHETLAND, WITH LOVE' and so far they have loved it. It has received five star reviews and such lovely comments I'm quite excited to hear what my readers think. There are lots of 'me' in this story though you'll have to figure out which is which and what as you go along. I will say: I did own 'Crispy' duck. I did help name the chickens. But no, I've never seen a bathroom suite quite like the one I write about! Here you go a little taster for those that have pre-ordered from Amazon. |
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