Erin Green Author - blog
1/7/2020 0 Comments CampNaNoWriMo - July 2020Hoorah, July has arrived! Despite the confusion and pain delivered by 2020, I can still rely upon a global NaNoWriMo event to lift my inner spirit. I am a self-confessed NaNoWriMo addict - who usually dedicates the whole of November to the quest of writing 50,000 words in 30 days. The good news is that July is the summer camp version. The only difference being is that you choose your own specific goal. In previous year's I have chosen an editing goal for the summer but not this year. I'm steely strong and going for 50,000 brand-new, sparkling words to be written by 31st July.
The words will be the second half of my current project - yay! I will track my progress as a blog post and update my word count on the homepage. Current Word Count: 17,891/50,000 Today is day one of summer camp!!!! Words: 1,617/50,000 A basic start for Day 1. To reach my goal by 31st July I must write 1613 for this project each day. I tend to focus on writing a specific scene rather than focus on the actual word count. Let the creative juices flow and word count simply follows. It's a personal trait I've recognised in my writing manner. There's a method in the madness of writing! My task for tonight is to revisit my plot and decide which scene(s) I'm focusing on tomorrow. Overnight, this allows my little grey cells time to generate images, new details and links to previous scenes ready for tomorrow's first writing session. Again, another little trick which always works for me. Day 2 & 3: Words 5,344/50,000 my writing day was cut short on both days but I managed to hit the minimum daily target on each. Having nipped out for a dog walk after today's session I've just had a brand new idea for an additional scene which I'll write tomorrow. A regular occurrence whilst I'm walking; an invaluable trick should the flow of words begin to stall during a writing session. I've had to spend some additional time on research today as a small detail came to light which needs addressing before I continue with a specific plot line. The lovely thing about research is you can casually browse the web at the end of the day when you've got one eye on the TV rather than it gobble up valuable writing time. Day 4 & 5: Words: 8,755/50,000 I write everyday whether it be NaNo season or my usual routine. I find it keeps the momentum plodding along and saves me having to keep picking up the threads of the story. Which feels like wasted time to me. I've had two decent days, the words have come easily. More so on Sunday, as I have a late writing session on a Sunday so spend the entire day doing other activities/chores whilst mulling over what I will write later. It works; I completed my Nano session word count in just over an hour as the scene literally spilt from my imagination. Writing sessions such as these make my heart sing; my fingers can't keep up dancing around the keyboard. The added bonus for today, CampNaNo day 5, is that I've had another idea for a book - yay! Always a bonus when that happens. So, I've spent some time today jotting down notes and details for future reference. I have a little book stashed away purely for ideas. I have more than enough writing to be getting on with at the present time but give it a few months and I'll need a new project! Day 6: Word count: 10,681/50,000 - What a fine start to my week! I arrived at my desk at a pretty early hour for a Monday morning and away I went. I only managed two cups of tea and my daily word count was complete. This project seems to be on a role at the moment, the plot is staying on track, the characters are doing as they should and the words are flowing nicely. Three more weeks of this would equal a dream Nano season but I know from experience that the day arrives when typing a sentence is like pulling teeth because I haven't had chance to muse and envisage a scene before I arrive at writing it. On those days, it might take me six hours to complete the word count produced in 80 minutes on Day 5! This writing malarky is a strange business but each author needs to know themselves and for me 'plodding' is the answer when such occasions arise. I know that the writing becomes tough when I don't apply the 'thinking time' before the writing session. So, on that note, its time for some 'thinking time' whilst I walk the dog and enjoy a change of scenery. Day 7: Word count: 12,586/50,000 - boy, what a session! I started early and feel slightly embarrassed to admit the daily word count for CampNaNo was complete before the local church clock struck eleven. My intention is to take full advantage by having a couple of hours off to entertain myself with other tasks and then to return for another CampNaNo session to boost today's final count. I have an Agatha Christie book which is nearing the finale plus, my Ulysses studies so, I'll catch you laters. Day 8: Word count: 14,209/50,000. It felt like a hard slog today. I knew what I want to say but could I get my words out? No! I have literally completed 13 words over and above my daily requirement and I have had to drag those from the bottom of my muse. Simply, one of those days when the 'dream job' is on a go slow. I don't beat myself up about such days anymore, I once did. Tomorrow is another writing day. Hey ho! Day 9: Word count: 16,232/50,000. I'm grateful that today the words have reverted back to a fast and furious flow. Yesterday, was painfully slow. My book have three main female characters so today I switched to write the first scene from another's point of view - boy, has she got voice! Which explains why the words flowed so easily. Likewise, yesterday, I was drawing to the end of the other character's pollen which explains why the word did;t flow as my plot material was drying up and I've been listening to her voice for a few weeks now. I try to reflect and look for explanations following an unusual day, much like I did when I had a difficult day of teaching in my previous career. Anyway, it is only half ten and I still have an entire day in which to write so I have no intention of stopping here. Who knows how many more words I can create today by shuffling these 26 alphabet letters before me! I continued to write into the early afternoon but later treated myself to a creative session with pens and flip chart focusing on a new idea which sprung to mind recently. I was lost inside my imagination jotting down themes and connotations which relate to my central location. I love session such as these; almost childlike in nature and play. The end result was me reaching for my baby naming book which always signifies a significant moment for my muse. i shall give it a few more days before |I return to the flip charts and add a second layer of details. Nothing is ever wasted for author; everything has a future life as long as you capture the details and essence when the muse throws you a gem of an idea. Day 10: Word count: 17,891/50,000. The words flowed beautifully but boy, did I have a battle to concentrate due to distractions and interruptions to my writing session. Most days I am left in utter peace; not today, the world and his wife want my attention. The reality being it has taken me over five hours to write the daily CampNaNo amount! I try my hardest to be honest about my work so, if you're an aspiring author or simply followed my week you can see there have been days where in just over 90 minutes I was done, but today, five hours! Writing is a weird business. Anyway, I must dash for another crazy task in my week: my Friday yoga session while listening to Radio 4 Gardeners' Question Time. I can't believe I've just confessed to that one - oh well, it probably made you chuckle. (To continue this month's CampNaNo journey - view the new post 'Expect the unexpected, always')
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